Formula E

Formula E
We - HYLA - are proud to be Partner of the ABT Schaeffler Audi Sport Racing Team. The innovative concept of the Formula E fits perfect to our understanding of ecological use of our all resources.
That's why we decided to engage in this Field.
The Formula E is the first electrical racing series of the world, and went at September the 13th, 2014 in its first season. Ten teams, with all in all 20 drivers - lots of them former Formula-1-Pilots - compete in several metropols of the world. The organizing FIA, which also organizes the Formula 1, wants to go a different way than all the other racing series and reach a different audience - especially young people. The season begins, not like all the other series, in autumn and ends in summer. In the focus of the whole concept, are values like eco-friendliness, economy and sustainability. The Formula E is thought as a compeditve environment for the automotive industry, to force the developement of electrically powered cars. In deed more and more big automobile manufacturers are getting engaged in this championship
Abt and HYLA together, follow the same targets, prospective product developement in the interest of the environment and highest achievements in the sector. The Interests of our customers are the focus of our product developement!